Does the book mention how our education system here, and others abroad, have been ordinal for a long time? Does it make any suggestions on how to improve that situation in the near future in our education systems?

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"economics is all about how people make choices, while sociology is about how they don’t have any choices to make"

Like many things AI, this takes me back to the 1970s, when I learned about discriminant analysis (Fisher) and conditional logit (McFadden). Discriminant analysis is all about classification (which group does X belong to), whereas conditional logit is all about choice (what factors make choice A more likely). Of course, being an economist, I was taught to cheer for McFadden, with the result that I've always been dismissive of machine learning, which is mostly classification.

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Louis XIV put each Frenchman into one of over 20 ordered categories. It worked pretty well. He never had to put down a rebellion after La Fronde. He even created a new category to weaken the old military aristocracy. They did very well at least up to the Revolution.

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