Trust is a key aspect of what has formed human intelligence, I think. Being able to work in groups of the 'Dunbar Number' size had a huge evolutionary advantage, but it doesn't work if you have to establish everything form scratch all the time. You become too slow, as a group. The edges of this is 'trust by the untrustworthy' (or honour among thieves) where the pattern frays.

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This is an astute observation about codes of loyalty that rely on mutual bad behavior.

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Biker gangs, which I have (fortunately) little experience, work this way. I would hazard a guess other gangs, like MS-13, Crips/Bloods etc. would do the same. Initiations, tattoos, colors, signs. Rituals, uniforms, and shared signs and language to bind together. Military is an obvious parallel.

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I find the notion that there is some organization, even a very loose one, of "bros" completely laughable. And the notion that there is some "bro code" even more laughable. Add them together with story about criminals and what have you got ?? A grand insinuation which is the set up for another conspiracy theory, this time about Musk (oh he must be doing something bad or about to do something bad).

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I _live_ for comments like this. So thank you.

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please explain

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oh that would spoil the fun

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I will say (and this sounds more gnomic than it is) if you want to understand the deep source for bro-code sociology, read Leonardo Sciascia's novel, To Each His Own, and come back. Or don't read it, as you prefer.

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Ah yes sociology, that branch of science that uncovers universal human truths with easily replicable results, and is not guilty of gross generalizations. Apart from that I think what I’m saying is that most mature men (and most men) do not subscribe to bro codes and only a tiny fraction of those who do are criminals. So even if Musk is a card carrying bro and lives by the code there is still a minuscule chance he is a criminal or willing to do something criminal for which he would require the silence of his fellow bros. Besides women also bond over participating together in naughty or edgy actions. A casual reader of the article would not understand the tenuous connection between taking ketamine and a potential future criminal activity.

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